Foot pain. Just the thought of it can be unpleasant. Unfortunately for many of us, foot pain is more than just a thought, it is a tough reality. Almost everyone has had an issue with their feet at one point or another. Whether it be from an injury, improperly fitted shoes, or overuse. If any pain persists for an extended period of time or becomes bad enough to keep you off your feet for more than a few hours, you should see your doctor right away to be sure that you can treat the problem properly. Below you can find a quick guide to the most common causes of foot pain and how to treat them.


This is a deep bruise in the fat pad of your heel or sometimes in the ball of your foot that is often caused by an impact injury. You may also feel this if you step on a hard object or uneven surface. The pain feels like you are stepping on a small pebble, which is where the name comes from. The bruise, like others, will go away on its own over time. While it heals, rest your foot and ice it if needed.


With this disorder, you typically feel ball of foot pain, odd sensations, or numbness. Morton’s neuroma causes a thickening of the tissue around the nerves between the bases of the toes. Women tend to see this one more often because it can be a result of wearing high heels or tight toed shoes. To relieve symptoms, avoid activities that put pressure on the neuroma. A visit with your doctor may be necessary to assess the severity of the issue. And stop wearing high heeled shoes immediately.


This is the most common cause of arch pain. Plantar Fasciitis can affect the heel and arch separately or cause pain in both. Treatment is the same regardless. Proper arch supports and heel supports are key in treating and preventing further issues from plantar fasciitis. FAYYBEK footwear was made with plantar fasciitis in mind. Made with premium soles forms to your foot specifically so that you can get the natural arch support that you need to become pain-free. You can also relieve the symptoms by putting ice on the painful areas or by seeing your doctor if the problem persists.


These are abnormal growths of bone on the bottom of your heel. You can get them from wearing the wrong shoes or from having an unnatural alignment or posture. Activities like running and jumping have been known to cause heel spurs as well. The spurs may cause discomfort while walking or standing, or if you are like the lucky few, you may not have any pain at all. People with flat feet or high arches are more likely to have painful heel spurs. To treat them, wear shoes that fit well, are shock-absorbing, or have a cutout heel pad. The FAYYBEK shoes are specially designed to help people struggling with heel pain. You may also need to rest your foot to allow time for it to repair itself.

 No matter which activity you are wanting to do in your life, FAYYBEK has a shoe for you that will give you the support, comfort and style that your feet have been craving.