Running is freeing for many people. With the autumn weather cooling things, and the lovely colors beginning to spring up all around us, who would not want to hit the pavement? Unfortunately, heel pain after running keeps many people indoors and off the trail. With a little understanding of the causes of heel pain after running, and ways to prevent and treat it, you can be back running in no time!



Possibly the most common cause of heel pain after running, plantar fasciitis begins as intense heel pain that is worst in the morning and after long periods of sitting. In severe cases, the pain can radiate to the arch and even into the ball of the foot.

Plantar fasciitis is caused by fallen arches, also known as flat feet. Plantar fasciitis is the swelling of the thick connective tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot. It connects the heel bone to the toes and creates the arch of the foot. When you run, your feet sustain impact, particularly to the arches. Repetitive exposure to shock that happens when you run can cause the arches to flatten.


Achilles tendinitis is often a cause of heel pain after running. Achilles tendinitis is an overuse injury of the tendon that connects your heel bone to the calf muscles at the back of your leg.

Most often, if Achilles tendinitis is the cause of your heel pain after running, it is due to a sudden increase in the intensity or duration of your run.


If your heel pain after running is not caused by tendonitis or plantar fasciitis, it might be the work of stress fractures. Stress fractures are tiny breaks in a bone due to overuse and repetitive motions such as running long distances.

An underlying contributor to stress fractures could be osteoporosis.


Surgical measures for extreme cases of heel pain after running aside, simple steps can be taken to help heal your pain and your injury.


Give your feet time to heal. Heel pain after running can mean the beginning of some severe conditions. If you take a break from running to heal, you can get back on track sooner than later. If you do not give yourself time, you will likely end up with a more severe case.


Ice is excellent for reducing swelling and heel pain after running. Using ice and an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen can help ease pain and bring the swelling down, allowing your body a faster and more thorough healing time.


Doing stretches that warm up and loosen muscles in the legs and feet before you run can help prevent heel pain. Doing stretches for plantar fasciitis and tendonitis, such as heel dips and rolling a tennis ball across your arches, can help relieve pain.


We know everyone loves to be barefoot. Unfortunately, if you suffer from heel pain after running or walking, for that matter, barefoot may not be the way to go. Whether your heel pain after running is because of Achilles tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, stress fractures, or something we did not cover, your feet will need consistent support.


Fayybek’s shoes for plantar fasciitis are specifically made to help relieve heel pain symptoms of any kind through new-age technology we call the FAYYSOLE. Simply put, the FAYYSOLE is the most anatomically correct shoe available today. With a deep heel cup that cradles and stabilizes your heel with every step and ideal arch support with heat-sensitive foams that mold to your foot’s contours for a custom fit and feel you will not find in any other shoe.


Fayybek has earned the title of most comfortable shoes in the world through dedication to helping thousands relieve heel pain of all kinds. With Fayybek’s cutting-edge FAYYSOLE technology, you can protect your feet from heel pain after running with arch support and heel stability to help prevent injuries and treat existing pain.

Don’t let heel pain keep you from chasing trails. Go longer and exercise more with maximized energy and strength. Get the higher quality of life and happiness you deserve with a new pair of shoes for running from Fayybek.